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Transition Network online event 'The next five years'

07 September 2020

Starts: 19:00
Ends: 20:30

What is the context for the next 5 years of Transition? 

Online        7.00 - 8.30           Free.

Join Kevin Anderson (Tyndall Centre), Nick Anim (TT Brixton) and Eva Schonveld (Transition Scotland) to explore the challenges and the framing that will shape the next few years of the Transition movement.

How best to be in service to the scale of ambition the climate emergency demands of us, the urgency of demands for racial and social justice, as well as the need to ensure individuals and groups have the emotional and collective resilience for times that will be turbulent, fast-moving, and always surprising? Hear the thoughts of our panel and their conversation, while also bringing your own questions and reflections.

Chaired by Rob Hopkins of Transition Network.

Book now at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/116222878759

Keep up to date

You can follow the work of Transition: Bounce Forward as it develops here – https://transition-bounceforward.org/ and on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Transition-Bounce-Forward-110862000633304


We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.